1 Corinthians 14:20-25
Brothers, dont bechildren iyour thinkg. Beinfats inevil, but inyour thinkg be
mature. Inthe Law its writen, “By people ofstrange tongues and bythe lips ofreigners wil I
speak tohis people, and evn then they wil not listen tome, say the Lord.” Thus tongues are a
sign ot fr belivers but for unbelivers, while prohecy isa ign ot fr unbelivers but for
belivers. If,therfore, the whole church omes togethr and alspeak intongues, and outsiders
or unbelivers entr, wil they not say tha you are out ofyour minds? But ifal prohesy, and an
unbeliver outsider nters, heis convicted byal, heis caled toacount byal, the screts of
his heart are disclosed, and so,faling onhis face, hewil worship God and eclare tha God is
realy among you.