Sermons from 2023 (Page 6)

Sermons from 2023 (Page 6)

Boldly Going Where No Man Has Gone Before

Jesus’ death on the cross reaches back and pays the price for the transgressions committed under that first covenant, and His death reaches forward to pay for the ongoing sins of the people of God under the New Covenant- making it possible for us to enter into the place where He now is- into the presence of God in the Heavenly Holy of Holies.

The Mystery of Melchizedek

Who was this obscure character in the Old Testament named Melchizedek? And what connection does He have to Jesus? The author of Hebrews unravels the mystery, and grows our delight in God’s amazing plan of redemption.

God is as Good as His Word

Christians are called to trust the promises that God has given to us. Our circumstances may not make sense, but the Lord will keep His Word. This text from Hebrews shows us the example of Abraham, who learned, in great difficulty, to do that very thing.

A Warning to the Sluggish, Part 2

The people of Israel, in the wilderness, serve as an example to the people of God today that we must persevere to the end. It is possible to see the amazing power of God, sit under the Word, and yet not believe. Israel experienced all this and more, and fell in the desert.

Holiness: the Cost

A reading from chapter 5 of JC Ryle’s book Holiness, called “The Cost.”

Are You a Disciple?

Jesus’ disciples will not think commitment to Him as loss- but gain. He, and all He promises, are attractive enough to commit your whole life to, and to lose your life for.

Bless the Lord, O My Soul

Because we have been joined to Jesus Christ, the blessings and promises of this Psalm belong to us. Our souls should sing out, “Bless the Lord!”