Love is not Prideful
We are prone to think too highly of ourselves and too little of others, but genuine love will magnify others at the expense of self.
Love Does Not Envy
Love takes pleasure in, and pursues the good of others. Envy cannot do that.
Love is Kind
Kindness is what love does because it delights in the happiness of others.
Love is Patient
Patience is the quality in
Christian love that is able to hold up under the weight of others’ offenses.
Love, Part 1
Love is the one indispensable characteristic in a Christian. Without love, our words, abilities, and deeds have no value in the eyes of God.
I am the Vine
We have been joined to Jesus Christ and will grow to be like Him as we learn to ABIDE.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Even on the night before His own death, Jesus is eager to comfort those with troubled hearts. He still is.
I am the Resurrection and the Life
The resurrection of Lazarus is a preview and illustration of the work of God in Jesus, and toward us.
I am the Good Shepherd
Everything that comes into the life of the sheep comes through the love of their Shepherd.
I Am the Light of the World
Just as God spoke the world into existence and brought forth light into darkness, Jesus speaks light into the darkness of our lives and brings forth light.