Scarier Than Snakes
Unless your heart has been trained by grace to speak in submission and humility, in times of hardship, your default will likely be to mindlessly speak in sinful complaint-
Who is Jesus?
Do not allow yourself to settle
for a lesser Jesus than He really is, and do not be afraid of what you’ll find if you press on to the
The Messiah You Need
Jesus is the Messiah you need, not simply the Messiah you want.
Lost is Found
The Found is Changed
Three Truths About God’s Help For His Covenant People
Three Truths About God’s Help For His Covenant People
Zealous Christian
Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.
A Tale of Two Brothers
The backdrop for this prophecy is the story of Jacob and Esau. The path of these two brothers is still instructive all these years later.
The God Who Sees Sin, Judges Nations, Saves Nobodies & Plans Unexpected Revivals
Amos, in his own words, wasn’t a prophet (or the son of a prophet) but he was faithful to deliver a message of conviction and hope to the people in his time.
Wake-Up Call
God intervenes in history, in very stark ways, to warn us of a greater judgment to come.