Merry Christmas
This baby’s birth was _____________________. This baby’s name is ________________________. You can’t have Christmas without _____________________.
Alcohol & The Christian
Two Questions for Today: (1) Should a Christian abstain from drinking alcohol? (2) Should total abstinence be required for membership? There are instances in the Bible where wine is shown to be a ________________________. While the Bible _____________________________ the use of alcohol, it has much to say ________________________.
Sacrificing Rights for a Neighbor’s Good
Instead of throwing stones at a brother in Christ, we decide to _____________________ that might __________________. ______________ your brother and _________________ him go hand in hand. Make every effort to ___________________ your brother’s faith, not ___________________. Salvation is of more value than ______________________.
Conscience in Community
Romans 14:1-12 _____________ shouldn’t be broken over something that isn’t central to __________________. What are some non-essential issues that people divide over today? Am I fully ____________________ in my own ___________ that what I’m doing is right? Am I able to do this to ________________________?
The Importance of the Conscience
How can I keep a good conscience? Bring your heart into ________________________ to _____________________, and obey it. When you fail, turn to ________________________, and have your ______________________________.
Everyone Who Hears These Words and Does Them
These teachings are a worthy _______________ to ______________________. The first kind of storm comes in the ___________________________. The second kind of storm comes _____________________________.
Beware of False Prophets
False teachers twist the truth to ___________________ for themselves False teachers divide over ____________________________ False teachers will say what people ________________________ False teachers are ___________, not _____________________
The Narrow gate
Do not enter the narrow gate if you want _________________________. Do not enter the narrow gate if you want _________________________. It is possible to ________________ while on the narrow path.