Sermons (Page 21)

Sermons (Page 21)

The Temptation of Prosperity

Lot was tempted by the well-watered valley of the Jordan, and he pitched his tent “as far as Sodom.” Are you tempted by the world and its promises of prosperity?


What we see happening here in Nazareth is just a microcosm of what’s happening in our world, and in our communities (and would happen in our own hearts, if sin could have its way).

Who Then Is This?

Like those first disciples, we are also prone to fear when we forget who Jesus is, His ways, His power, and His concern for us.

How God Grows His Kingdom

Through this parable, Jesus promises that God WILL grow His Kingdom. It may be difficult to see with our natural eyes, but we trust that it WILL happen according to His plan and timing.