The Christian’s Response to Suffering
The Christian is not to respond to the insults and attacks of the world, in the way of the world. Instead, we are called to respond in the way of Christ, as we follow in His steps.
Suffering as a Christian
It is not unusual for the Christian to suffer in this world. Based on the Bible’s teaching, we should expect it.
The Christian Should Never Be Anxious
Mathew 6:25-30
Christmas Guests
Who were Jesus’ parents? Why did God choose them to care for His Son?
Christmas Preparations
God arranged all the details for the first Christmas celebration.
We Are All Beggars
What can we learn from the blind beggar that Jesus heals in this passage? That maybe we aren’t so different from him after all.
Jesus is Enough
Paul learned the secret of contentment. Jesus is ENOUGH
Thanksgiving 2021
Testimonies from the church family of God’s goodness