Sermons (Page 16)

Sermons (Page 16)

I Am Barabbas

The “sinless” was delivered up, while the “sinful” was released. Can you see your place in this passage?

A Safe-Distance Follower

A “safe-distance follower” of Jesus can quickly become a denier, if placed in the right circumstances. Learn this hard lesson from Peter.

Our Passover Lamb

The night before He died, Jesus eats one last time with His disciples, and He establishes a new “tradition” for the family of God, one that fulfills and replaces the Passover feast.

Insiders & Outsiders

Who are the real followers of Christ? In this passage, one of the insiders shows himself to be an outsider, and one of the outsiders shows herself to be an insider.

Living Hope

Christians do not have a doubting hope, but a hope that is certain & is truly alive. The resurrection of Christ is the foundation for that hope.

The End of the Age, Part 2

The disciples asked Jesus about some troubling words He spoke about the temple in Jerusalem. He answers with words for them, and for us, concerning the end of the age.

The End of the Age

The disciples asked Jesus about some troubling words He spoke about the temple in Jerusalem. He answers with words for them, and for us, concerning the end of the age.

A Widow’s Religion

Jesus tells the crowd to beware of the religion of the scribes…but He calls us to pay attention to the religion of a poor widow.