Sermons (Page 13)

Sermons (Page 13)

Holiness: Chapter 10- Remember Lot’s Wife

Jesus told His first disciples, “Remember Lot’s Wife.” He still speaks to disciples today…We must not look back, longingly, at the world as this ancient woman did.

The Weight of Glory

The longings that we have in this world, that are satisfied from time to time- but only temporarily- these longings point us forward to a place where they will be permanently satisfied- Heaven.

Christ, Our Rest

By believing the Good News we have heard, we are called to enter into the rest that Christ gives to us- a rest that fulfills what both the Sabbath Day and the Promised Land pointed to in the Old Testament.

The Danger of Being Pliable

A genuine Christian is one who perseveres to the end. The way we are taught to persevere is to keep our eyes on Christ- or, as this passage says, to “consider Jesus.”