Sermons on Heaven

Sermons on Heaven

The Reality That Awaits Those Who Persevere

God’s Word gives us a picture of the New Heaven and New Earth. This is where God will dwell with His people for all of eternity. There the effects of the fall will be done away and the world will be renewed. We can trust this is to come because God who is sovereign over all of history promises it. This is promised to those who persevere and should motivate us to do so.

The Reward Is Worth It

Moses was a man with a lot to lose, but God’s reward was worth it…There is a cost to following Christ, but He, and HIs reward, are worth it.

Boldly Going Where No Man Has Gone Before

Jesus’ death on the cross reaches back and pays the price for the transgressions committed under that first covenant, and His death reaches forward to pay for the ongoing sins of the people of God under the New Covenant- making it possible for us to enter into the place where He now is- into the presence of God in the Heavenly Holy of Holies.


We long for a place called home. God has wired us for that, and He uses that desire to make us long for heaven.