Sermons by Patrick Rossel
The Reality That Awaits Those Who Persevere
God’s Word gives us a picture of the New Heaven and New Earth. This is where God will dwell with His people for all of eternity. There the effects of the fall will be done away and the world will be renewed. We can trust this is to come because God who is sovereign over all of history promises it. This is promised to those who persevere and should motivate us to do so.
The God Who Loves Nobidies
God displays His wisdom in the Church by calling the lowly to Himself. The message of a crucified savior seems foolish to the world. But to those who are called it is the power and wisdom of God. This turns the wisdom of the world upside down. To prevent anyone from being able to boast God calls the “nobodies” of the world to Himself so that no one may boast. He lavishes His love on these “nobodies” and radically transforms their identity in Christ so that He receives the glory. Paul calls us to remember who we were and that our salvation is all of grace from start to finish.
The Glorious Nature of the Church
God has chosen the Church to be His people in the world. He has bestowed on them a special status and made them to be a set apart people. He has done this out of His own kindness and mercy through the gospel. The Church is to glorify him through worship and tell of His goodness to the world as a result of His kindness and mercy toward them in Christ. A people who were once not a people are now the people of God because of the Cross.
Four Aspects of Christ’s Commission to Make Disciples
The mission of the Church is to make disciples. Therefore, that is our purpose as individuals who comprise the church. Making disciples is based on the worship of the living God and His authority. Making disciples assumes we are disciples ourselves believing in the risen Christ and trusting in the gospel. It demands that we share the gospel with others, baptize converts, and teach them to obey the commands of Christ. We are not left to do this in our own strength but promised that Jesus will accompany us til the end of the age.
The Lord’s Comprehensive Care of His Sheep
The Lord’s care of His sheep is comprehensive. He cares for His sheep in every way possible. He cares for them physically and spiritually. He comforts and protects His sheep. He receives them and blesses them both now and for eternity
Three Truths About God’s Help For His Covenant People
Three Truths About God’s Help For His Covenant People
The Christian Should Never Be Anxious
Mathew 6:25-30