Sermons by Lonnie Atwood (Page 31)
Pray Like This
The purpose of prayer is to ________________ God. As we meet with Him, He changes who ____________ and what ___________. For those who believe the Gospel, you have God as ___________________. Those who come closest to God will have the greatest ______________ for Him and _____________. When you are zealous for God’s name, you will rejoice in His ________________.
Do Not Be Like the Hypocrites
We have to be _______________________ when we do good. True prayer must be directed to _______________________, as if He is the only one who ____________. Jesus expects us to perform religious ______________, but only for the ______________________.
Divorce & Remarriage
God designed marriage to ______________________ between a man and a woman. Divorce is not always ________________. When sexual immorality is committed, divorce is not _________________. If a person divorces for a non-Scriptural reason, any marriage to a different person results in _________________. When divorce is permissible, remarriage is _______________________. Those who have divorced for improper reasons, and have since remarried, should _________________________.
Sex, Lust, and the Christian Heart
Sex has become a _________________, instead of an act of covenant ______________. We should take drastic measures to guard our ________________, in this case __________________________.
Murder in the Heart
God sees beyond the action, into your __________________. God desires that you would reconcile any ________________ or ________________________________ you have. Reconciliation is a _________________. Reconciliation is ________________.