Sermons by Lonnie Atwood (Page 24)
Grace for Someone Like Me
We all need grace, whether we’re older brothers, or younger brothers.
The Lord is My Shepherd
The Lord is our Shepherd. He wants us to trust Him completely, and follow Him closely.
Creating a Christian
How does a person become a Christian? What has to happen?
This Covetous Heart
God made you to be completely satisfied, but only by Him.
What is Truth?
God commands us to be people of truth and to use our words for good, not evil.
This Thieving Heart
You break this commandment any time you take advantage of your neighbor in any dealing that results in loss to him. Our failings are many. Thank God for the Gospel.
This Cheating Heart
How do sex, marriage, and adultery relate to the Gospel?
This Murderous Heart
There’s more to the 6th Commandment than not killing. Christians are called to root out the seeds of murder in their hearts and pursue the protection of human life.
Honor Your Father & Mother
Authority is a gift from God that starts in the home.
Our Sabbath Rest
How does the Sabbath command apply to Christians?