Sermons by Lonnie Atwood (Page 14)

Sermons by Lonnie Atwood (Page 14)

Down in the Valley

Most of life is spent down in the valley, the place where things don’t always go the way we want them to. We need faith in the valley, dependence on God for everything, which will show itself in the way we pray.

Why the Transfiguration?

The Transfiguration of Jesus was an awesome scene that the disciples would never forget, but what was its purpose? Why were Moses and Elijah there? How might God have used this in the life of the disciples?

Can You See Anything?

How did the disciples get beyond their hardened hearts to a place where they could begin seeing clearly? Could Jesus’ healing of a man’s eyes have anything to teach us about that?

He Heals the Deaf

This story of a man being healed of his deafness is a parable of what Jesus does for those who are spiritually deaf- He gives them ears to HEAR, and then a tongue to sing for joy.

Crumbs for a Dog Like Me

The story of this Gentile woman who came to Jesus needing help for her daughter is a reminder that whatever we get from the Lord is more than we deserve.