Mark (Page 3)
We Are All Beggars
What can we learn from the blind beggar that Jesus heals in this passage? That maybe we aren’t so different from him after all.
Treasure in Heaven
Jesus is calling you to do is use your money and possessions in such a way so that it is clear that He is your treasure.
Jesus is Our Goodness
A rich young man runs up to Jesus and asks the most important question he could. How could he gain eternal life? Jesus directs the conversation toward “goodness.”
King of the Lowly
What is it about children that represents the Kingdom of God?
Marriage & Divorce
To rightly understand God’s views on divorce, one must first understand how He sees marriage.
Sin is Serious, Hell is Real, but God So Loved the World
Fear is an appropriate response to the thought of hell, but no one will be scared into the Kingdom of God. The love of God will draw men and women there.
Sin is Serious. Hell is Real. But Jesus Saves
Hell is Real, and far more terrible than we realize.
Jesus is the Great Divide
The dividing line in this world, as we make our way through is: Who if for Jesus? And who is against Him?