Candlelight Service
Join us for a serene and heartfelt Candlelight Service as we celebrate the birth of Christ. The evening will feature short reflections on the miracle of His birth, uplifting carols, and a special candlelight rendition of “Silent Night.” This beautiful tradition is a time to reflect, rejoice, and bask in the peace and light of the Christmas season.
family bowling night
Join the Caz Church family for a fun-filled night of bowling, fellowship, and of course some friendly competition. Please arrive with enough time to get your shoes.
family bowling night
Join the Caz Church family for a fun-filled night of bowling, fellowship, and of course some friendly competition. Please arrive with enough time to get your shoes.
Membership Class
Members at Caz Church partner together with the elders, staff and other covenant members to help people encounter Jesus. Members follow Jesus together in committed and accountable relationships and seek to advance together the mission of Jesus through prayer, participation and stewardship. The membership class is four one-hour classes followed by an informal interview with a member of our elder team scheduled at a later date.
family bowling night
Join the Caz Church family for a fun-filled night of bowling, fellowship, and of course some friendly competition. Please arrive with enough time to get your shoes.
Rummage Sale
Funds from the rummage sale are our main source of support for helping to send Caz kids to Christian summer camps.
Family Bowling night
Join the Caz Church family for a fun-filled night of bowling, fellowship, and of course some friendly competition. Please arrive with enough time to get your shoes.
Bible Study
Please consider joining us each Sunday morning for a study in the book of Proverbs
Family Bowling Night
Join the Caz Church family for a fun-filled night of bowling, fellowship, and of course some friendly competition. Please arrive with enough time to get your shoes.
Dinner & Prayer
Join us for a Dinner and Prayer Night every 1st Wednesday of each month from 6-8 pm. If you wish to bring a dish to share please contact the Church to find out what you can bring. Hope to see you there!