Paul breaks off mid-sentence in the beginning of chapter 3 to recap and marvel over a profound revelation. This is Good News…perhaps we don’t realize how good. At the center of this text lies a great, deep mystery (the word ‘mystery’ is repeated three times): a mystery reserved for the body of Christ – His Church.
In Ephesians 2:19-22 we see Paul drawing vital conclusions about who we are as the Church. We are citizens of heaven and members of God’s family. In essence, we are the people of God. This is our fundamental identity, not other groups from which we find a sense of identity and belonging. As God’s people, we are built upon the foundation of His Word. And ultimately, the Christ revealed in it. The Church built upon this foundation can’t be shaken. This is important to remember as we live in a post-Christian world that is increasingly hostile to Christianity. Lastly, the Church is the dwelling place of God. We have the privilege of a holy God dwelling with us as His people. This should change how we view ourselves and each other as members of the Church.
In Ephesians 2:11-18 we learn of our previous separation from God, His people, and His covenant promises. However, God has done something marvelous in Christ. He has united those who were near (Jews) and those were far off (Gentiles) to Himself in Christ Jesus. As a result of the cross, Christians now have peace with God and peace with all those who are united to Him by faith. God has created one new unified humanity which is the Church. The unity we have as the body of Christ breaks down any walls and barriers that we commonly find in society. In Christ’s Church people of all different kinds now no longer have separation but instead a shared access to God. This is extremely important to remember as we live in a world that is extremely disunified. There is one answer to that disunity and it is the reconciliation with God and one another that is available through Christ Jesus.
Everyone understands a parent’s natural affection for her child; also the beauty and usefulness (for multiplying and filling the earth) of romantic love, but it seems that very few moderns recognize the value of genuine friendship.
True spirituality manifests itself in certain dominant desires. These are ever-present, deep-settled wants sufficiently powerful to motivate and control the life
Caz Church seeks to be above reproach in our stewardship of God’s financial resources given to the local church. We maintain an open book policy and choose to hold quarterly business meetings where all members can attend and have access our to financial information.